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You’ve only got this one body to live in for the rest of your life and taking care of it is essential!
I’ve been in your shoes – making poor food choices and having no energy because I didn’t have a plan
I’m sure you are familiar with the saying failing to plan is planning to fail… When you have a plan, you prepare in advance to make better food choices and are intentional about what goes in your body each day and reduce temptations in advance. Today. I want you to get my 19-page guide on how to finally. . .
without feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Now you can prepare healthy, great tasting nutrient dense meals that will nourish your mind and body. YOUR HEALTHY RECIPE GUIDE will help you to plan and prepare your meals in advanced with easy. Reduce INFLAMATION, bloat and fatigue, feel energized and lose weight naturally by eating nutrient dense, balanced meals, planned and prepared by you!
I’m a Holistic Lifestyle Health and Fitness Professional who’s helped hundreds of men and women reclaim their health through mindset, nutrition, and fitness education and implementation.
I hold a BS Business Administration in Accountancy, MS in Exercise Science & Health Promotion, Wellness & Fitness, advanced studies degree in Sports Psychology, I’m a certified Metabolic Balance® Coach and Fitness Professional with the National Academy of Sports Medicine in Corrective Exercise and Performance Enhancement and Practitioner Member of the North American Menopause Society.
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